Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What do I think about the legal system?

What do I think about the legal system?

The first thought that pops in my head when I’m asked that a question is that the legal system is messed up. Though I’m only basing this opinion on what I’ve seen on TV, heard on the radio, and whats in movies. If I were to stop and think about it the question I would realize that without the legal system the U.S. would be a different place maybe a place I wouldn’t want to be in. Yes, the legal system has it flaws but that is because it was created by people who have their flaws. From what I’ve seen and not experienced the legal system is full of many, many, many holes which people tend to pass through. Most of the people that I hear about leaping through the holes are rich people who have enough money to exploit them. In the news I mostly hear about how people who I think should have been punished severally just slipped through a hole and gotten off barely touched. Take the MySpace hoax that mother who helped her daughter play a prank on a young girl which eventually lead to her demise.The mother got off with a fine and a slap on the wrist no major jail time just a fine. Incidents like that lead me and other people to believe that the legal system is flawed. What I don’t get is that people know that the legal system is flawed but don’t do anything about it. They are either like me and they are unaware of what actions can be done taken to solve the problem or they are not willing to do anything about it but complain.

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